Beautiful Burns rolling papers are here! Say goodbye to the old paperbag-like rolling papers in the market. It is time to use rolling papers that are not limited to plain white or brown. Not only are Beautiful Burns’ pre-rolled cones glamorous and sexy but also safe and made with socio-economically production.
A fashion brand of pre-rolled cones
From plain pink to rainbows and butterflies, Beautiful Burns pre-rolled cones offer a wide range of selections. Our designs are inspired by music, movies, fashion brands, and many others. These cones are fit for any getup on any occasion any day. If you’re feeling sexy, we have Victoria’s Secret-inspired design. Feeling playful? We have Breakfast at Tifanny’s. Our most popular designs also include flowers and butterfly prints. You can check out all our designs here.
Beautiful Burns cones are designed with a feminine touch, pastel colors, and floral and animal print graphics and food grade silver or gold foil tips— you might say they are the Victoria’s Secret of pre-rolled papers.
HQ Magazine
Beautiful Burns made out of safe materials
Aside from providing these beautiful pre-rolled cones, the safety of the consumers and end-user is also our main priority. That is why we made our cones from natural materials. We have two different paper types, both plant-based and eco-friendly.
Our hemp papers are made of real hemp. What’s nice about hemp is you’re just adding more cannabis on top of the cannabis. Our hemp papers are thin and sturdy and won’t disrupt the natural taste of cannabis. We are also proud to provide palm pulp rolling papers that come from the husk of the palm tree and NOT the tree itself. Coloring is made from edible, tasteless plant-based oils with natural pigments. All of our cones have passed the California Category 3 testing.
Our products are made with our customers in mind. If you are interested in being a wholesaler or distributor, visit our wholesale page. We also offer custom cones where we print your very own custom design and branding.